Thursday, December 12, 2013

The closing of semester

Well today's my last day of the semester in the computer  also for the rest of the class is what I got I wanted you guys to know it's going to be an awesome weekend going to be a great Christmas also um this will be my last post of the semester I'm not updated through the Google Christmas is because I don't know it's just that I don't want to cuz I'm bored and also for some time with my family into that more than my blog so farewell


Well last week in class we talked about tags. These little marvels are super useful they can help us organize our blogs and make searching for a post super easy.

Image galeries

Well today I'm going to publish my image gallery and it's going to be about mostly about computers but recently I've added more and more images about blogs. Usually galleries are about a sustain theme not a bunch of them.

My presentation

I don't know if you've noticed but recently I posted a presentation about blogs, computers and such technologies I'm just making the supposed to you guys knowing check it out cause it's pretty cool hope you guys like it

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

blogs Hechos

En la clase nosotros nos hemos dedicado a crear y mantener blogs. Esto nos ensena como crear blogs que se pueden utilizar como resume o portafolios de trabajos. Este proceso ha sido una largo y tenuo. hemos tenido que pensar en diferentes temas y mas proyectos

the blogroll

so today i've added a blogroll so the blogs there are the blogs of my friends and the contain everything from mathematics to computer classes.yo aspiro a ser alarma de fuego. they also are very good for finding information aditional to what i have here.